Business Coaching

Helping businesses get results 


I Will Share Everything I Know That Helped Businesses Achieve Up To SEVEN-FIGURES 
In less than 12 Months!  


I Will Share Everything I Know That Helped Businesses Achieve Up To SEVEN-FIGURES 
In less than 12 Months!  
Sign up for Your 14-day trial!

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Are you a business owner who is willing to learn and grow their business, but hasn’t got their break yet?

You’ve read the “right” books, followed the “right” people, even networked with the “right” people. You’ve ticked all the boxes possible. But success hasn’t quite walked through your door yet, right?

There is so much conflicting information out there. 

Everyone has the answer that could change your life, make you rich, earn you financial freedom. But who do you listen to? Who do you trust to help you get the profits you deserve and start living for once?

It’s hard, I get it. 

The business world can be unsporting at times. Every business has to fight for that spotlight and very few get it. But after spending 28 years learning and understanding marketing from the world’s leading pacers, I understand the level of work and training it takes to get you into the spotlight and reap all the rewards. 

I can help you build your business and start increasing your profits. No more BS. No more advice from so-called experts.

What is the Inner Circle?

The Results Inner Circle is my mastermind community, where I help businesses worldwide make millions and get the support they need from our amazing group. 

 With this programme you will work closely with myself, as I coach you and support you with your business goals.

During the bi-weekly online coaching sessions, I will answer any nagging questions you may have and critique every material of your marketing, so that we can build a more powerful strategy behind your brand. 

Then you will also gain access to a rich library of knowledge dedicated to Sales and Marketing in the form of videos, teaching you everything you need to know to make more money easily and efficiently. 

Additionally, you will gain access to our members-only Facebook group 24/7, where you can engage and meet with fellow business owners who are at different stages of their business growth, enriching your experience. 

Now, of course, the Inner Circle isn’t for everyone. If you are looking for a one-way express ticket to success without putting the work and research in, then I’m afraid this isn’t for you. But if you are someone who is patient, dedicated and willing to learn, adapt and improve their craft for their business, no matter how hard it is, then you are the person I am looking for. 

What's Included In The Inner Circle?
Worth on Average £10,000
Personal Support From Steve
When you join the Results Inner Circle, you’ll receive access to my exclusive members-only Facebook group, where you will be amongst business owners who understand your frustrations. 

Although some experts or gurus would have you watch their videos and work on your journey yourself, I will be here in the flesh within the group, personally supporting you and your business and providing you valuable feedback on your materials.   
BI- Weekly Live Training
Every other week, you will be invited to live training sessions with me on topics that revolve around online businesses, brand, marketing etc. 

These sessions will be instrumental to your learning and broaden the perspective you may have on improving your business. If you happen to miss a live session, don’t worry. Every session is recorded, so you can easily catch up and never miss out on valuable information. 
Worth on Average £5,000
Worth on Average £8,000
Exclusive Members Training Area
You will have access to over 100 Sales and Marketing videos, that cover a wide range of topics, such as utilising the best software available to you, creating an efficient marketing budget, the power of writing effective copy, creating content that will attract your target audience etc. 

The Inner Circle will be updated regularly with fresh content, as well as recordings of any live sessions you may have missed, so you are always learning something new. 
Ready-Made Marketing Materials
As well as enhancing your knowledge, I’ve included some of my ready-made marketing materials, such as headline samplers, funnel copy etc. 

I’ve done the work for you, so you can spend less time having to create materials from scratch and more time on implementing the templates I’ve created for you, allowing you to see the results for yourself. 
Worth on Average £6,000
What's Included In The Inner Circle?
Worth on Average £10,000
Personal Support From Steve
When you join the Results Inner Circle, you’ll receive access to my exclusive members-only Facebook group, where you will be amongst business owners who understand your frustrations. 

Although some experts or gurus would have you watch their videos and work on your journey yourself, I will be here in the flesh within the group, personally supporting you and your business and providing you valuable feedback on your materials.   
Worth on Average £5,000
BI- Weekly Live Training
Every other week, you will be invited to live training sessions with me on topics that revolve around online businesses, brand, marketing etc. 

These sessions will be instrumental to your learning and broaden the perspective you may have on improving your business. If you happen to miss a live session, don’t worry. Every session is recorded, so you can easily catch up and never miss out on valuable information. 
Worth on Average £8,000
Exclusive Members Training Area
You will have access to over 100 Sales and Marketing videos, that cover a wide range of topics, such as utilising the best software available to you, creating an efficient marketing budget, the power of writing effective copy, creating content that will attract your target audience etc. 

The Inner Circle will be updated regularly with fresh content, as well as recordings of any live sessions you may have missed, so you are always learning something new. 
Worth on Average £6,000
Ready-Made Marketing Materials
As well as enhancing your knowledge, I’ve included some of my ready-made marketing materials, such as headline samplers, funnel copy etc. 

I’ve done the work for you, so you can spend less time having to create materials from scratch and more time on implementing the templates I’ve created for you, allowing you to see the results for yourself. 
“That all sounds great, Steve,
but how much would it cost?

Ideally, with everything included, such as the private Facebook group, live training sessions, video gallery and the amount of time and expertise I have invested in creating this Inner Circle, I could easily have charged $5000 monthly for the whole lot.

But during the past year, I have witnessed many businesses struggle to stay open, with their funds depleting rather than increasing. Because of the stress and hardship they’ve endured, the last thing I want is to add more financial pressure on you. It wouldn’t be fair of me to charge that amount.

Now, understandably, you would be reluctant to make any investments, especially when there are so many experts across the internet, claiming they have what you need to become successful. 

So, to gain your trust, I will be offering you a FREE 14-day trial. Not only that, but once the 14 days are up, you will only have to pay $47 a month to continue with the whole programme! And if you decide that this is not for you, simply email us at and we will cancel your membership.

My hope is that you will find immense value in the resources I have provided and that your business grows for the better. I’ve given you the starting block to set in motion the future you desire for your business. 

It is ultimately up to you to build the rest of the way.

Watch This Video Below To See How I Help Your Business Make More Sales.

Sign up now and take advantage of this big opportunity!

How can The Results Inner Circle
Fast-Track Your Business to another level?
The truth is that your current level of knowledge of sales and marketing is creating the results you are currently achieving. 

Success in Business is all about creating an audience and keeping customers. The key to achieving this is getting your sales and marketing right. 

The Group
As a RESULTS Inner Circle member, you’ll be part of a group of business owners who will produce a strong, supportive bond. 

This community is a learning hub for you to expand your knowledge, as well as feel a sense of belonging and pride in being part of something that has a positive impact on all the members. 

One of the biggest mistakes I see in business is the lack of quantification or understanding of your sales and marketing numbers.

 Business owners often get scared, nervous and stuck – especially when faced with big plans. We will help you move past the stagnant stage and improve your approach to this issue significantly. 
As long as you implement the ideas that I have shared, you can expect to grow your business significantly over the next twelve months. 

By putting the work in, your sales and marketing results, as well as your profits, will improve. The evidence obtained from our existing members show that you can expect a significant return on your investment.
don't take OUR WORD FOR IT
Here are what my clients had to say
We made £42,000,000 IN THE FIRST SIX MONTHS working with Steve Mills
We attended Steve's one day workshop and we can honestly say that as a direct result of attending we made £42,000,000! from LinkedIn in six months.
 No BS.
ian jones - director
 We created a 64% INCREASE IN LEADS IN 3 MONTHS working with Steve
My Accountancy firm Parfrey Murphy have been on Steve's Coaching Programme for just 3 months and in that brief time, we have seen our average number of monthly leads increase by a whopping 64.7%
we made enough money to pay for the programme
Cascade Event Management’s turnover hit £492,000 last year (up from £290,000 in the previous year) and I’m sure a significant part of that is down to the time I spent with you, Steve.

chris monk - director
Download our Testimonial Brochure
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Send us an email at and we will refund your money, no questions asked.
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